Welcome to Room 19's blog for 2020. We are an energetic Year 4 class and our teacher is Ms Maloni. We are looking forward to working together and learning lots of exciting and new things this year! Check our blog regularly to see what we have been up to. We would love to read your comments.
2 people managed to solve the riddle today! I don't know who you are so check and see if you are subscribed to the blog so I can identify who has sent me a message. Well done solving the riddle!
ReplyDeleteThis answer was posted by Himanshu! How did you solve it Himanshu?
Deletethe answer is a towel because when someone dries then self with a towel the towel gets wetter
ReplyDeleteThis answer was from Alex - so well done to you too Alex!
Delete2 people managed to solve the riddle today! I don't know who you are so check and see if you are subscribed to the blog so I can identify who has sent me a message. Well done solving the riddle!