Friday, 21 August 2020

Fantastic Friday - 21st August 2020

Hayley's Unsolvable Riddles.

Happy Birthday to Linda!!!!

 A big happy birthday to Linda!!!! On behalf everyone in Room 19 we hope you have a lovely day!!!!

Here is a special message from Abigail!

Hi Linda                      

Happy birthday!

I hope you have a wonderful day.

You are the best BFF in the world.

Happy Birthday Penguin Dance


Friday, 24 April 2020

More of Room 19's Learning at Home 24/04/2020.

Ezra's Fantastic Fort and Homemade Playdoh!

Ezra got busy building this awesome fort in the lounge! It looks very cosy in there Ezra!

He also made his own Playdoh! You will have hours of fun with that Ezra!

Sam's Lock down Walks!

Sam also wrote about his walks with the family! I can see he has taken time to edit his writing! Well done Sam! I am so glad to see you out having fun and staying safe and healthy!

Friday 24th April.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Link to Stand at Dawn Website.

ANZAC website

Also Mrs. Churchill shared a lovely ANZAC activity you might like to do if you have a spare egg carton! If you don't have red paint or enough red felt tips you could try a bit of red food colouring!

Room 19's Learning at Home 23/4/2020

Anastasia's Song!

Anastasia has written and performed her very own song! I am absolutely blown away by her talent! How creative she is to write all the lyrics, combine all the notes into a beautiful tune and to sing so sweetly!!!!! Anastasia you are amazing!!!!

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Friday, 17 April 2020

Book reports from Jayan and Hayley.

Here is a link to Hayley's report on 'Star Friend's Wish Trap.'

And here is a link to Jayan's report on 'The World's Worst Children 2.'

Abigail's Puppet Production and Snapper Fish!

Abigail has begun to create sock puppets to perform a story she listened to on 'Storytime Online' Keep up the creativity Abigail!

Abigail also worked very hard on creating this fabulous picture of a snapper with labels that name it's fins. 

Anastasia's Magnificent Meal!

Anastasia displayed her fabulous cooking skills by preparing a delicious meal for her family! Wow - you are one lucky family to have such a talented cook in your bubble! 

It included fried rice, deep fried chicken tenders, creamy mushroom soup and banana smoothie. 

Friday 17th April

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Monday, 23 March 2020

Young Ocean Explorers visit.

Room 19 thoroughly enjoyed our visit from Riley and her Dad who have set up the Young Ocean explorers website. We learnt how Riley's life changed all because of a school project she completed !
We also learnt how we can all make a change to help protect our oceans and the creatures who live in them.

Here is a link if you want to check out the website and watch some of the cool videos!

Young Ocean Explorers!

Oceans - Our Learnings So Far!

Here is a link to the google slides we have created! If you want your slide added to the folder just share it with me!

Google slides

Some of us are still working on our slides and have discovered as we move around our Learning Pathway - Getting Thinking - Exploring - Sharing and Shining and Making Meaning and Connections - we often discover that our questions lead to more questions!

Oceans Inquiry.

In Room 19 we had wonderings about the oceans!
Here are some of our questions:

How did water get in the oceans?
Why are oceans so clear?
Where do shells come from?
What is the deepest ocean?
How many different colours can the ocean be?
Is the Black Sea black?
Why is the Black Sea called the Black Sea?
Is the Red Sea red?
Why is the sea salty?
How salty can the ocean get?
How much salt is in the ocean?
What is the difference between an ocean and a sea?
Are seas bigger and deeper than oceans?
How big is the biggest ocean?
How tiny is the tiniest ocean?
What is the safest ocean in the world?
What is the most dangerous ocean?
What are the names of the oceans?
How do the tides work?
How are whirlpools created?
What year did the most whirlpools happen?
What type of ocean has the most sea creatures?
Are there different types of ocean?
How many seas are there?
How many oceans are there?
Can lava go into the ocean?
Are there more germs in the sea or on land?
Where do the fish go when the tide goes out?